Person Centred Workshop
Date: 17th August
Location: Zoom
Time: 15:00-18:15 pm BST
Person Centred Workshop with Stephen King
A short course exploring the Rogerian core conditions; Empathy, Unconditional Positive Regard and Congruence
This is a wonderful opportunity for Voice Practitioners to explore the concept of what it means to be truly Person-Centred in your client interactions. This is also a compulsory module for anyone studying for the VHP qualification.
Suitable for SLT’s, SLP’s, Vocal Massage Therapists, Vocal Coaches, Singing Teachers and even choral directors.
Stephen King will give a history on the core values of Person-Centred coaching theory as espoused by Carl Rogers: Empathy, Congruence and Unconditional Positive Regard.
This is a live participation event only, no video catchups. Bring your curious self.