9th March, 2025
Friends House, 173-177 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BJ

Kerrie Obert – Keynote Speaker
Kerrie Obert has conducted thousands of endoscopies throughout her career as a highly specialist SLP. She delivers teacher training through her Get Vocal Now platform and is a highly respected singing teacher, SLP and voice pedagogue.
Breaking Free
One-Day Vocal Health Education Conference
9th March, 2025
Friends House, 173-177 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BJ
Breath Support: Breaking Free From One-Size-Fits-All Breath Training
Breath training has been considered an important component of voice pedagogy for hundreds of years. But what is breath support and does it vary by style, volume, or location in the range? In her keynote speech, Ms. Obert will share what she learned at the intersection of respiratory medicine and otolaryngology during her years of working in a busy voice disorders clinic. She will make the case for teaching singers to work with a variety of breath strategies and teach three of them to the audience during the session.
Timbre Shaping: Embracing the “villains” of the vocal tract!
The pharyngeal constrictors and tongue are often portrayed as villains, but their role in shaping timbre is vital and frequently misunderstood. In this lecture, Ms. Obert will share her pioneering research into how these structures can be used to enhance high frequency energy to empower singers to create the sounds they want to make.
£65 VHE members (email Sally for discount code)
£85 non members
£45 live online
Tea/Coffee and pastries are included in the ticket price
Registration 9.30 am, conference commences 10 am – 5 pm